django reservation-list on room in host by CBV with ListViewProject using python/Cloning Airbnb 2021. 3. 17. 09:26
url 설정
urlpatterns = [ path("rooms/", include("rooms.urls", namespace="room")) ]
from django.urls import path from . import views app_name = "reservations" urlpatterns = [ path( "<int:user_pk>/reservation/<int:room_pk>/room-list/", views.ReservationListOnRoomView.as_view(), name="host-room-list", )]
CBV(Class Based View)
CBV는 django에서 정의한 여러가지 View들을 이용한다. 그 중 ListView를 이용해서 reservation-list page를 작성한다. ListView는 model을 꼭 정의해줘야 한다. 하지만 model은 DB 안에 있는 모든 record를 가져온다. 내가 원하는 특정 목록만 가져오고 싶을 경우 model을 정의하지 않고 get_queryset() method를 이용해서 특정 list만 반환하면 된다.
# reservations/views.py from django.views.generic import ListView from django.shortcuts import redirect, reverse from reservations import models as reservation_models from users import mixins class ReservationListOnRoomView(mixins.LoggedInOnlyView, ListView): """ Reservation List on Room View Definition """ template_name = "pages/reservations/reservation_list_onRoom.html" context_object_name = "reservations" paginate_by = 12 paginate_orphans = 6 ordering = "created" def get_queryset(self): user_pk = self.kwargs.get("user_pk") room_pk = self.kwargs.get("room_pk") reservations = reservation_models.Reservation.objects.filter( room__host_id=user_pk, room_id=room_pk ) if user_pk != self.request.user.pk: return redirect(reverse("core:home")) return reservations def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): user_pk = self.kwargs.get("user_pk") room_pk = self.kwargs.get("room_pk") reservations = reservation_models.Reservation.objects.filter( room__host_id=user_pk, room_id=room_pk ) room_name = reservations[0].room.name context = super().get_context_data() context["room_name"] = room_name return context
{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block page_title %} {{request.user}}'s Reservation Room List {% endblock page_title %} {% block content %} <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-items-center"> <div class="w-10/12"> <div class="mb-8 mx-4"> <h1 class="font-bold text-4xl ">{{room_name}}</h1> </div> <table class="w-full" border="1" bordercolor="blue" width="300px" height="150px" align = "center"> <th>Room Name</th> <th>Guest</th> <th width="180px">Check In</th> <th width="180px">Check Out</th> <th width="180px">Status</th> <th width="180px">Confirm</th> <th width="180px">Cancel</th> {% for reservation in reservations %} <tr align="center"> <td class="text-base font-medium">{{reservation.room.name}}</td> <td class="text-base font-medium">{{reservation.guest}}</td> <td class="text-base font-medium">{{reservation.check_in}}</td> <td class="text-base font-medium">{{reservation.check_out}}</td> <td class="text-base font-medium">{{reservation.status|capfirst}}</td> <td class=""> <button class="button w-3/4 mt-0 text-xs "> <a href="#">Confirm</a> </button> </td> <td> <button class="button w-3/4 text-xs mt-0 bg-red-500"> <a href="#">Cancel</a> </button> </td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table> <div class="flex justify-center mt-6 itmes-center"> <button class="button bg-gray-700 w-1/6"> <a href="{% url 'reservations:host-list' user.pk %}">Back</a> </button> </div> <div class="flex justify-center mt-20 itmes-center"> {% include 'mixins/page_number.html' with page=reservations %} </div> </div> </div> {% endblock content %}
참고 자료
- 노마드 코더의 Airbnb 클론 강의
소스 코드
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